Food Giant Rewards and Digital Coupon
Frequently Asked Questions

How do Food Giant Rewards work?
Sign up for your Food Giant account today. Every time you check out, give your membership number or phone number to the cashier and you will automatically earn 5 points for every dollar you spend. Points add up automatically after each shopping trip. Check the bottom of your receipt for your current rewards balance or go to our mobile app or website to see your Reward points total.
How do I redeem my rewards?
When you purchase a product that is eligible to redeem for points, your cashier will ask if you would like to use your points toward this product. Some items will be free with points and some items will be deeply discounted. Qualified products for redemption change every month and can be found in our Mobile App or our website under “My Rewards”
Why do you ask for my phone number?
We may need to contact you if your card is returned to us, or there is a question about your Rewards Account. By giving us your phone number, you can provide it to the cashier instead of your member number when checking out.
Do I need a Membership Card?
Most customers will sign up online and use their phone as their membership card. If you prefer or do not have a smartphone, you can sign up at our Customer Service Desk and receive a physical card to use at checkout.
What happens if I forget to give my Cashier my number or forget my card?
Your cashier should always ask for your membership number or phone number, but if this happens, you may go to our Customer Service Desk and points will be issued onto your account based on your receipt.
Do I need to keep track of my points or receipts?
No! You do not have to keep your receipts, but you will see your current Points Balance displayed on your receipt each time you shop.
How do I check my points balance?
There are 4 ways to find out your point balance:
1. Online – If you are not signed in, click “Rewards”
2. Online – If you have registered online and sign in, click “My Rewards”
3. The bottom of your receipt every time you shop, or
4. See a cashier and ask them to scan your card to get your balance.
How do I spend my points?
You have options on how you would like to spend your points. You can redeem points for additional savings (over and above the regular weekly specials) in the store on a variety of different products. Keep an eye out for these special offers! And don’t worry; you don’t need to remind the cashier when you check out. If you have enough points and have picked up a qualifying item, the cashier will know to ask if you would like to spend your points on the discounted item.
What if I lose my card?
Please see Customer Service for a replacement. They will transfer your existing points balance to a new card.
What if I want more family members to be able use my account?
Everyone in your household will need to provide your phone number or membership number upon check out. Multiple members of your family may use the same sign in for their mobile app if they prefer to use the barcode in their app. If you receive a membership card it will have 3 key tags. Give other members of your household one, so all of your points will go to the same account. Watch how fast they add up!
Will my personal information be sold?
Absolutely not! The rewards program and your information managed by Loyalty Lane, Inc., with a very close working relationship between the two companies. None of the information you give us will EVER be sold, rented or shared by either company or its employees or associates.
If I give my email address, are you going to fill my inbox?
No. When you initially enroll, we will send you a welcome email. After that, we will send one when we change the current points specials. (We don’t like our inbox full of ads and we’re not going to fill yours.) If you ever have any suggestions for things you may find of interest or of use to be included in the same email, please let us know.
Is this a limited time promotion?
No. This is not a limited time or temporary promotion. This program is committed to providing for our customers.
Digital Coupon
How do I use digital coupons?
After setting up an online web account, go to your mobile app or our website and click on Digital Coupons. You will see all available coupons and each one will have a button that says “Clip” You must clip the coupon to have it available at check out. You can always come back and see which coupons have been clipped. If you received a physical card you still must go online and sign up for a web account to clip the coupons you want. The sign-up form will have a place to enter you card membership number.
Why do the digital coupons I clipped last week not show up?
Just like any paper coupon, there is an expiration date on each coupon. Once the coupon expires, it will be removed from eligible coupons. Check back often because we are adding coupons on a regular basis.
Do digital coupons double?
Digital coupons do not double.
Can I use the same coupon more than once?
No. Once you have used the coupon you clipped; it will no longer work for additional savings.
Can I use paper coupons as well as digital coupons on the same item?
Coupons are limited to one per item of savings. Digital coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item for savings.
What if there were more than one coupon of the same item that I can clip. Can I use both coupons on one item?
No. Coupons can only go for 1 redeemable item. You can buy the same items to redeem the additional coupon.